Friday, February 19, 2010

Here goes something.

Well, this is a first for me, but I feel inspired by my Niece-in-law and my Sister who already have blogs and by some photography blogs I have been looking at recently. I wanted a place of my own to share my quirky stories and some of the photography blogs which are helping me develop my skills with my Canon T1i. Hopefully by the end of the summer I can share some of my own spectacular photographs.

Even more important than that is a place to share my ever growing family. I have been blessed with an incredible family. My son Douglas, his wife Meg and their daughter Cassidy live in Misawa Japan and are having their second child the end of June or early July. We just found out this week that they are going to have another little girl! Cassidy is so excited, she has been telling her mom all along that she was going to have a little sister and sure enough she was right. My daughter Haley (13) is also very excited about having another niece. Haley and I are planning on going to Japan this summer around the time the new addition arrives. I feel very fortunate to have a son in the Air Force living overseas giving us the opportunity to visit places we would not be able to go to otherwise.

I recently turned 50 and I'm ready to start a new era. I started by joining a boot camp at the YMCA, I loved it and felt fantastic doing it, but did not join the following class which started up in January. I hate cold weather and just couldn't see myself out in the fields where we have boot camp doing push-ups, squats, planks, etc... in the wet and cold, I'm just not made out of that cloth, but I am sooo ready to get back in there. I have missed it more than I could have imagined. The next boot camp is set to begin the beginning of March. I am so ready to "bring it on". Boot camp is such a wonderful experience. I was inspired to join after my boss had completed several boot camps at the wellness center. She looks fantastic and really enjoys it. My favorite reality TV show is the Biggest Looser. Although I love Jillian and Bob, I don't think I could handle their workouts. I want to get in shape, I don't have a ton of weight to loose so I don't need the intensity that Jillian and Bob have to offer. Doing just one boot camp session has already boosted my metabolism and I can tell in my clothing that I am loosing some weight. I really don't care about the pounds I do care about the fit. Who knows maybe I'll inspire you.

Well here it is Friday night and I'm fried to a crisp from a long week of work and can barely keep my eyes open. It's a start and hopefully will be fun and entertaining. Until next time...

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